Analisa Umur Sisa Jalan Terhadap Beban Berlebih (Overloading) Dan Metode Perbaikan Jalan Di Gunung Selatan Kota Tarakan

Daud Nawir


This study aims to analyze the life of the rest of the road against overloading as well as road repair methods. In this calculation, the calculation of remaining life on the road section, analyzing the life of the pavement plan based on the cumulative results of ESAL on each vehicle load and the calculation of road repairs using component analysis method and ASSTHO 1993. Based on the results of the calculation of remaining life shows that each year experienced a decrease in the life of the plan which under normal conditions the remaining age of pavement planned since the road opened until the 5th year after the road opened is 29.42%. For alternative conditions of weight addition of 10%, the remaining age of pavement decreased from normal conditions occurred in the fourth year which showed the remaining lifespan of negative yields of – 4.01% . From this condition it is known that the pavement construction is not able to accommodate overloading until the age of the pavement plan for 10 years. The need for thick pavement for overlay on The South Mountain road using component analysis method obtained results of 7 cm while using AASHTO 1993 obtained results of 8 cm for the next 10 years by using laston MS.744 material. From both results showed that the planned pavement thickness gave relatively the same result, this is because the Component Analysis method is a modified AASHTO 1993 method.


Road; Age Time; Road Repair

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