Sri Rizki Amalia, Maharani Izzatin, Alfian Mucti


The purpose of this research was to produce the application of “Matbel Legenda†with computer based which was worthy as mathematics learning to grow the feeling of loving the homeland of VIII graders in SMP Negeri 7 Tarakan on Teorema Pythagoras materials. The type of this research was Research and Development (R & D) which was conducted at SMP Negeri 7 Tarakan in class VIII. The development model used was ADDIE model. Overall, ADDIE model consists of 5 stages. The stages are started from Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The development stage was conducted by making the learning media “Matbel Legendaâ€, validated by the content expert, learning design expert, language and culture expert, media expert, and the testing was conducted in 2 stages with small group test which consisted  of 6 students as the subjects and field test which consisted of 28 students as the subjects.The analysis showed that the learning media “Matbel Legenda†which was developed based on the validation of content expert got average score of 3,5 with very good category, the learning design expert got average score of 3,4 with very good category, the language and culture expert got average score of 3,8 with very good category, and the media expert got average score of 3,4 with very good category.  Furthermore,  the  result  from  field  test  for  “Matbel  Legenda† had fulfilled the requirements as a product that was easy to operate, easy to learn, and has attractive appearance. The “Matbel Legenda†learning media based on computer to grow the students’ feeling of loving the homeland has an analysis result as Normalized gain of 0,6 with medium category.  Because of that, the “Matbel Legenda†learning media was worthy to be used as additional learning media to grow the feeling of loving the homeland of VIII graders in SMP Negeri 7 Tarakan.

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