Parada Agus, Endik Deni Nugroho, Darius Rupa, Zulfadli Zulfadli



Penelitian  ini  bertujuan  untuk  mengetahui  struktur  anatomi  tumbuhan famili  Solanaceae  serta  menghasilkan  produk  berupa  lembar  kegiatan  siswa (LKS) yang layak digunakan. Jenis penelitian yaitu Research and Development (R&D) menggunakan  model  pengembangan  Borg  &  Gall  (1983)  yang hanya dilakukan sampai tahap kelima. Hasil penelitianan atomi menunjukkan bahwa jaringan penyususn akar, batang, dan daun tumbuhan  famili Solanaceae (P. angulata, C. annuum, S. melongena, S. torvum, dan S. lycopersicum) relatif sama. Akar tersusun atas jaringan epidermis, korteks, dan jaringan vaskular. Batang tersusun dari jaringan epidermis, jaringan dasar, jaringan penguat, dan jaringan pengangkut. Namun, pada batangC. Annuum terdapat trikoma multi seriata. Pada batang S. torvum,S. melongena dan S. lycopersicum terdapat sel idioblas, trikoma stellata, dan trikoma kapitata. Daun tersusun dari jaringan epidermis, palisade, dan bunga karang. Pada daun P. angulata terdapat stomata, sel idioblas yang berisi kristal druss dan trikoma kapitata. Pada daun C. annuum terdapat stomata, sel idioblas yang berisi Kristal drus, trikoma multiseriata dan trikoma multiseluler. Pada daun S. melongena  dan  S.  torvum  terdapat  trikoma  stellata  dan  trikoma  kapitata. Sedangkan daun S. lycopersicum terdapat stomata, trikoma kapitata, dan trikoma uniseriata. Hasil penelitian berupa pengembangan lembar kegiatan siswa (LKS) mendapatkan nilai validasi dari ahli media dengan  persentase 91,76% (sangat layak) dan ahli materi 72,22% (layak) serta persentase dari uji respon guru sebesar 80% (menarik) dan siswa sebesar 82,32% (sangat menarik). Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa lembar kegiatan siswa (LKS) struktur dan fungsi jaringan tumbuhan famili Solanaceae layak untuk digunakan sebagai sumber belajar siswa SMA kelas XI IPA.

Kata Kunci: Anatomi, Solanaceae, Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS).


This study aims to determine the anatomical structure of the Solanaceae family of plants and produce a product in students' worksheets. The type of research, namely Research and Development (R&D) using the Borg & Gall (1983) development model, was only carried out until the fifth stage. The results of the atomic study showed that the tissues that made up the roots, stems, and leaves of the Solanaceae family (P. angulata, C. annuum, S. melongena, S. torvum, and S. lycopersicum) were relatively the same. Roots are composed of epidermal tissue, cortex, and  vascular tissue.  The stem is composed of epidermal tissue, ground tissue, reinforcing  tissue,   and   transport    tissue.   However,  in stem  C. Annuum has multi seriata. On stems of S. torvum, S. melongena, and S. lycopersicum contained idioblast cells, stellate trichomes, and capitate trichomes. Leaves are composed of epidermal tissue, palisade, and sponges. In the leaves of P. angulata, there are stomata, idioblast cells containing druss crystals, and trichomes capitata.  On the leaves of C. annuum, there are stomata, idioblast cells containing drus crystals, multiseriata trichomes, and multicellular trichomes.  The leaves of S. melongena and S. torvum contained stellate trichomes and capitata trichomes. In contrast, the leaves of S. lycopersicum contained stomata, trichome capitata, and uniseriata trichomes. The results of the study in the form of the development of student activity sheets (LKS) received validation scores from media experts with a percentage of 91.76% (very feasible) and material experts 72.22% (adequate), and the percentage of teacher response tests was 80% (interesting) and students by 82.32% (very interesting). So, it can be concluded that the student activity sheet (LKS) of the structure and function of the plant tissue of the Solanaceae family is feasible to be used as a learning resource for high school students in class XI science.

Keywords: Anatomy, Solanacea, Students’ Worksheets

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Dewi Retnaningati, S.Pd., M.Sc.
Biology Education Departement

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University of Borneo Tarakan
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