Perbandingan Ketentuan dan Analisis Detailing Hubungan Balok-Kolom Berdasarkan SNI 2847:2013 dan SNI 2847:2019

Syafri Wardi, Sulaiman Yusuf Ardiansyah


Recent earthquakes in Indonesia have caused significant damage to many buildings, especially because the beam-column joints did not satisfy the detailing requirements for the seismic-resistant building. SNI 2847: 2013 is an Indonesian code for designing concrete buildings, which has been updated to SNI 2847:2019, consist of several new provisions related to detailing beam-column joints. This study discusses the comparison of detailing requirements based on the two codes and compares the analysis of detailing of the beam-column joints in a focused building, a five-story building which represents a medium rise building. The comparison of detailing requirements for beam-column joint according to SNI 2847:2013 and SNI 2847:2019 showed that SNI 2847:2019 has several new requirements related to the height of the joint, standard hooks in an exterior joint, headed bar, and transverse reinforcement in the joint. Then, comparing the results of analysis of detailing of the beam column joints in the focused building showed that there is no different on the detailing results of the joints according to SNI 2847:2013 dan SNI 2847:2019.


beam-column joint; beton bertulang; tahan gempa

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Copyright (c) 2022 Syafri Wardi, Sulaiman Yusuf Ardiansyah

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Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Borneo Tarakan

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