Penentuan Parameter Rangkak pada Bentonit sebagai Bahan Penyangga (Buffer Material) dengan Uji Geser Langsung

Arintha I.D. Syafiarti, Huang Wei-Hsing, Chung Chih- Chung


A preliminary research to investigate the creep behavior of bentonite as buffer material in a high-level nuclear or radioactive waste disposal hole as bentonite needs to maintain the stability of the waste canister for a long time, to avoid the displacement caused by the weight of the canister itself and the thermal, hydrological, mechanical and chemical (THM-C) processes of the near filed. The increase of bentonite time-dependent strain or creep needs to be taken into account for the safety of the disposal hole. The creep parameters obtained from the angular strain rate equation, through stress-controlled direct shear test using compacted SPV200 bentonite samples. The test results show an increase in angular strain rate with increasing of the applied stress.


bentonite, creep, direct shear test, angular strain rate, stress

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