kartina rina


Caulerpa lentillifera or known as sea grape is one type of grass that has the potential to be developed. This seaweed is very popular because it has a very important economic value, namely as a fresh food ingredient and an ingredient for medicines. Efforts to increase the production of C. lentillifera can be done through engineering with the addition of fertilizers in its cultivation. The purpose of this study was to determine the dose of liquid organic fertilizer that could provide the best growth for C. lentillifera. This study used an experimental method with a completely randomized design (CRD). The treatments consisted of soaking liquid organic fertilizer (POC) with doses of P0 (0 ml/L), P1 (1.5 ml/L), P2 (2.5 ml/L) and P3 (3.5 ml/L), and made 3 repetitions. The data obtained were analyzed using one way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Based on the results of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) it was found that the application of liquid organic fertilizer had a significantly different effect on the specific growth rate and dry weight of C. lentilifera. The best dose was shown in the 1.5 ml/L fertilizer immersion treatment (P1), with a specific growth rate value of 3.27% and a dry weight value of 1.70 g which were significantly different from other treatments (P <0.05). In terms of quality, C. lentilifera soaked in 1.5 ml/L (P1) liquid fertilizer, produced a fairly high protein content of 19.05%. Water quality data including temperature, pH, and DO showed a value that was still tolerable for the growth of C. lenitilifera seaweed. Water quality measurements in this study included temperatures ranging from 26 -28 ºC, salinity ranging from 31-35ºC, pH ranging from 6.83 -7.05, while DO ranged from 5.98 - 6.90 mgL1.


Caulerpa lenitlifera, Growth, Organic Fertilizer, Quality

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