Analisis Kinerja Ruas Jalan Terhadap U-Turn di Kota Pekanbaru

Husni Mubarak Husni, Doni Rinaldi Basri, Delka Octiriani


ABSTRACT: As a result of the closure of the U-Turn, the people around Jalan HR. Soebrantas complained because the travel time they took was very long and there was a buildup of vehicles at the U-Turn intersection of Jalan Manggis. The problem in this study is how is the condition of the U-Turn in front of the handsome Nurul Huda Mosque today . and how to overcome the U-Turn delay in front of the Nurul Huda Mosque . The method used in this study is analysis of existing traffic performance, analysis of traffic performance, applying 3 alternatives , proposing alternative problem solving, alternative problem solving based on the results of HR Road Performance Comparison. Soebrantas, it is obtained that the average degree of road saturation is 0.80, and the service level is D: The flow is approaching unstable, the speed is still tolerable. Alternative 2, the solution to the problem for this research, namely by widening the road in front of the shops This plan affects traffic performance to run smoothly as happened on the Purwodadi road section, but this is still hampered due to land acquisition if it is carried out along the HR road. Soebrantas. Alternative 3, using vissim simulation for U-Turn closure This plan is the final plan, but if this plan is carried out, you must plan for a Fly Over at the Tobek Godang red light intersection

Keywords: Alternative , U-Turn, Road performance

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