Studi Daerah Rawan Longsor Pada Kawasan Pemukiman Kampung Bugis Kota Tarakan Dengan Penerapan Metode Fotogrametri

Edy Utomo, Iif Ahmad Syarif, Alfika Henny Barocah, Reni Reni, Muhammad Saipul Sadam


Landslides are events due to changes in land use in the classification marbles steep. The slope of the land can be identified by extracting elevation data from the earth’s surface. One way of measurement is to apply the photogrammetric method. In this research, a study was conducted on landslide-prone areas in the residential area of the Kampung Bugis Tarakan City, with a base map that was the results of processing UAV aerial photographs. The results of the study state that the photogrammetric method of aerial photographs of UAVs is able to provide an accuracy rate of 98%, and is able to provide an overview of landslide prone maps with an accuracy of 90%. From the application of this method, it was stated that the research location was a landslide-prone area with a high potential vulnerability level of 43,61% and 36,33% very high, which were spread over hillside areas in an area of 72,70 hectare.

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Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Borneo Tarakan
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