Perlunya Amandemen Terhadap Pasal 24 B Ayat (1) UUD 1945 Dalam Rangka Pengawasan Terhadap Hakim Konstitusi

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Peran dari hakim konstitusi untuk menegakkan keadilan sangat strategis, oleh karena itu
diperlukan hakim yang mempunyai sikap dan perilaku yang baik. Dengan demikian hakim
konstitusipun perlu dilakukan pengawasan terhadap perilakunya demi menjaga marwah
institusi peradilan. Permasalahannya apa upaya yang dapat dilakukan agar pengawasan
eksternal terhadap kode etik dan perilaku hakim konstitusi dilaksanakan oleh Komisi
Yudisial. Pengawasan yang bersifat eksternal terhadap hakim konstitusi saat ini belum ada
pengaturannya, sehingga dimasa mendatang perlu dilakukan karena secara profesi hakim
konstitusi sama dengan hakim-hakim yang lain. Komisi Yudisial sebagai lembaga negara hasil
reformasi dan diberi kewenangan oleh UUD 1945 untuk menjaga dan menegakkan
kehormatan, keluhuran martabat dan perilaku hakim sudah selayaknya untuk diberikan
kewenangan untuk melakukan pengawasan eksternal terhadap perilaku hakim konstitusi.
Namun demikian pengawasan terhadap hakim konstitusi jangan sampai mengintervensi
independensi peradilan sehingga perlu dicarikan formulasi yang tepat untuk mensinergikan
antara pengawasan dengan independensi peradilan. Berhubung Pasal 24B ayat (1) terkait
kata â€hakim†ditafsirkan oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi bukan termasuk hakim konstitusi
(Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No. 005/PUU-IV/2006 dan No.1-2/PUU-XII/2014, maka ke
depan agar hakim konstitusi dapat diawasi oleh Komisi Yudisial, perlu dilakukan amandemen
terhadap Pasal 24B ayat (1) UUD 1945 terkait dengan kata â€hakimâ€.

Kata Kunci : Pengawasan, Hakim Konstitusi, Amandemen UUD 1945

The role of constitutional justices to uphold justice is very strategic, therefore judges who have
good attitudes and behavior are needed. Thus, constitutional judges also need to supervise their
behavior in order to maintain the dignity of judicial institutions. The problem is what efforts can
be made so that external supervision of the code of ethics and behavior of constitutional justices
is carried out by the Judicial Commission. External supervision of constitutional judges at this
time has not yet been regulated, so that in the future it needs to be done because professionally
constitutional justices are the same as other judges. The Judicial Commission as a state
institution as a result of reforms and given the authority of the 1945 Constitution to maintain
and uphold the honor, nobility and behavior of judges should be given the authority to conduct
external supervision of the behavior of constitutional justices. However, the supervision of
constitutional justices should not intervene in the independence of the judiciary so that an
appropriate formulation is needed to synergize between supervision and judicial independence.
Since Article 24B paragraph (1) related to the word "judge" was interpreted by the Constitutional Court not including constitutional justices (Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 005 / PUU-IV / 2006 and No.1-2 / PUU-XII / 2014, then in the future so that Constitutional judges can be supervised by the Judicial Commission, amendments to Article 24B paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution are needed in connection with the word "judge".

Keywords: Supervision, Constitutional Justice, Amendment to the 1945 Constitution


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