Hukum pidana mati di terapkan di Indonesia sejak zaman kolonial Belanda. Hukum
ini merupakan salah satu jenis hukum pokok pada urutan pertama dan hukuman
terberat di Indonesia. Penerapannya sendiri bertujuan agar memberi peringatan
dan efek jerah bagi pelaku pelanggar hukum. Hukum pidana mati tercantum pada
pasal 10 KUHP dan tata cara pelaksanaannya dijelaskan pada Undang-undang
Nomor 2 Tahun 1964. Akan tetapi, hukum pidana mati bertolak belakang dengan
hukum HAM yang ada pada batang tubuh Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Dengan
demikian bagaimana sudut pandang Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 mengenai hal
tersebut? Berdasarkan asas degorable right, yaitu hak seseorang bisa dibatasi. Para
pelaku telah melanggar hak asasi manusia lain, yang memberikan dampak terhadap
kehancuran umat manusia. Maka dari itu, hukum pidana mati tidaklah melanggar
HAM terpidana.
Kata kunci: Hukum; Pidana mati; UUD 45; HAM.
Death penalty has been applied in Indonesia since the Dutch colonial era. This law is
one of the main types of law in the first order and the toughest punishment in
Indonesia. Its application it self aims to provide a warning and deterrent effect for
perpetrators of law violators of law violators. The death penalty law is contained in
Article 10 of the Criminal Code and the procedures for implementing it are explained in
Law Number 2 of 1964. However, the death penalty law is contrary to the human
rights law contained in the body of the 1945 Constitution regarding this matter? Based
on the principle of degorable rights, that is a person’s rights can be limited. The
perpetrators have violated other human rights, which have an impact on the
destruction of humanity. Therefore, the death penalty does not violate the human
rights of the convict.
Keywords: Law; Death Penalty; 1945 Constitution; Human Rights
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