Exploring Reading Comprehension Difficulties among the Second-Semester Students of the English Education Department of Borneo Tarakan University
This research investigated the reading comprehension difficulties and the factors that contributed to reading difficulties faced by second-semester students in the English Department at Borneo Tarakan University. Using a sequential explanatory mixed-methods approach, the research integrated quantitative data from a TOEFL reading comprehension test and qualitative insights from interviews with selected students. The TOEFL test results revealed that a significant proportion of students struggled with basic reading comprehension, with 45.71% failing to meet the A2 level of the CEFR. Specifically, students found "finding definitions from structural clues" to be the most difficult skill, while "recognizing the organization of ideas" was the easiest. The qualitative phase explored the factors contributing to these difficulties. Students cited vocabulary limitations, concentration issues, and varying levels of motivation as key internal challenges, while external factors included teaching methods, background knowledge, and environmental support. The findings underscored the need for targeted interventions to address these diverse challenges, emphasizing the importance of a supportive learning environment and effective teaching strategies in enhancing reading comprehension skills among students.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.35334/bjele.v6i1.5783
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Copyright (c) 2024 Yansar Yansar, Ridwan Ridwan, Sherly Natalina
BJELE is published twice a year, namely in August and December by English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Tarakan, North Kalimantan, Indonesia.