Abstract: The type of research used is Research and Development
design Formative Evaluation (Tessmer in Rahayu, 2008). The subject of
the study was class IV. The result of the research is 30 item in the form
of multiple choice. The first stage of expert validation is the first
validation of the content experts of 80% in effective category, the second
validation of the construction expert of 80% in effective category, the
third validation of linguists by 93% in the very effective category. In
one-to-one trials student’s response of 83% in the effective category.
The results of small group trials in the form of student responses by 89%
included in the category very effective. Based on the inputs and
comments of small group of test instruments improved and then field test
was conducted on 60 students of grade IV SDN 050 Tarakan. Result of
analysis by using SPSS 21 program showed 24 item in valid category,
reliability value that is r11=0,650 > r tabel=0,254 in high category in
criterion of reliability. Data analysis using AnatesV4 program showed
difficulty level with easy criteria of 1 items about (3,3%), medium
criterion 26 items about (86,7%), difficult criterion 3 items about (10%),
different with bad 4 item about (3.33%), different power with sufficient
criteria 14 items about (46.67%), different with good criterion 9 items
about (30%), different with very good criterion 3 items about (10 %),
produces effective deception as many as 26 items about (86.7%).
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