Abstract: The application of the Open-ended approach in the social
studies learning process can develop high-level thinking skills of
elementary school students. The formulation of the problem in this study
is how to develop, implement and influence and impact the application
of the Open-Ended learning model in social studies learning to improve
the high-level thinking skills of elementary school students. The method
used is the research and development (R & D) of Borg and Gall. The
research locations were ten elementary schools in five districts/cities in
North Kalimantan. The subjects of this study were high-class teachers
and students (grades 4.5, and 6) using purposive sampling techniques.
The results showed that the Open-Ended learning model was feasible to
use based on peer evaluations, expert lecturers, and effective teachers
could improve the high-level thinking skills of students in Elementary
School seen from the application of the Open-Ended learning model in
the learning process when the experiment class students were more
higher than control class students. In the final model validation test,
where the average experimental class post-test was 83.33 higher than
the control class, which obtained an average of 80.07.
Keywords: Open-Ended Approach; Social Studies Learning; High-Level
Thinking Ability
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