Dwi Susanti, Purwanto Purwanto, Erry Hidayanto


Learning mathematics involves students not only to be able to ensure calculations but also be able to ensure reasoning and analyzing. Analytical skills are included in high order thinking skills (HOTS). Higher order thinking skills (HOTS) can be generated through problem solving activities. In solving a problems, it is possible that the way the student thinks is not suitable to the answer they get or it can be said that they are doing pseudo thinking. Pseudo thinking can be caused by the absence of reflection by students. This study aims to describe the student's occurring false-pseudo thinking in solving HOTS type problems on the quadratic inequality. Research subjects were taken based on purposive sampling, taking into account their communication abilities. The subjects in this study were high school students who had studied the material inequality squared. The data collection was done by using think-out-loud (TOL) method, the students were asked to express out loud what they were thinking when solving the problem which was given. From the results it can be explained that the process of the students’ false-pseudo thinking HOTS type problems on the quadratic inequality happen as follows: 1) It begins with the students’ mistake of making assumptions when they are understanding the problem 2) The incompleteness of the students’ thinking substructure in the process of understanding the problem, and 3) The incompleteness of the students’ thinking substructure in planning the solution.

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