Development of HOTS-Based Cognitive Assessment Instruments to Train Students' Critical Thinking Skills

Musma Rukmana, Maulidiah Maulidiah, Kurniahtunnisa Kurniahtunnisa, Aisyiah Restutiningsih Putri Utami


Critical thinking skills are very important for students in the 21st century. The development of HOTS-based cognitive assessment instruments aims to produce assessment instruments that are valid, practical, and effective evaluation tools. This development research modified Thiagarajan's 4-D model with stages: define, design, develop, and disseminate. After revision and approval by experts, the instrument design draft was analyzed. After that, a limited test was carried out on a total of 34 students in class XI Science 1 at SMA Negeri 9 Pangkep. Tests, questionnaires, interviews, and observations were the methods used in data collection. The research results showed that: (1) the validity of the HOTS-based cognitive assessment instrument was in the very valid category with a score of 93.33% from the media aspect and 92% from the material aspect; (2) the assessment instrument developed was in the very practical category which was obtained from the results of student responses with a percentage of 82.35% and teacher responses with a percentage of 88%; and (3) the effectiveness of the instrument was in the effective category obtained from test data on student learning outcomes of 73.52% in the effective category, and students' critical thinking abilities were on average in the good category. Based on the results obtained, a conclusion was drawn that the HOTS-based cognitive assessment instrument meets the criteria for validity, practicality, and effectiveness.

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