Jurnal Borneo Saintek is published by the Institute for Research and Community Service, University of Borneo Tarakan (LPPM UBT). Jurnal Borneo Saintek is a journal that contains scientific articles from various disciplines and the adoption of various lecturer research activities. Articles in Jurnal Borneo Saintek LPPM UBT are published 2 (two) times a year in April and October which include original scientific research results, new scientific review articles, or comments and criticisms of writings or in other scientific periodicals. Jurnal Borneo Saintek was published for the first time in 2017 with a mission to be a pioneer in publishing information media on the development of Science and Technology in North Kalimantan. The editors invite academics, observers, practitioners, and anyone who is interested to contribute writing on general topics in the exact sciences as well as special topics in the Jurnal Borneo Saintek. Articles published in the Jurnal Borneo Saintek do not always reflect the views/opinions of the editors. Writing guidelines are included in each issue. Author and subject indexes as well as a list of expert reviewers (Freed Partners) are listed at the last number of each volume. Administration fee for publication IDR 300.000,-

Vol 6, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Borneo Saintek
Table of Contents
Nambi Hanca, Dwi Putri, Febbry Nurul, Naomi Betris, Rahmat Mushandi, Cahyadi Setiawan, Lia Kusumawati
Rustamaji Rustamaji, Kania Sawitri
Syamsiah Syamsiah, Ratno Achyani, Heni Irawati
Novia Anggraeni, Windy Rizkaprilisa, Martina Widhi Hapsari, Ratih Paramastuti
Aditya Putra Basir, Jenny Abidin, Devita Sanipan
Jimmy Cahyadi, Burhanuddin Ihsan, Asrullah Asrullah
Encik Weliyadi, Heni Irawati, Radifah Anzar