Soil fungis are one of the soil microbes that can be beneficial or detrimental to plants, so they play an important role
in agriculture. This study aims to determine the abundance and characterization of soil fungi in the rhizosphere of
mustard greens. Isolation and identification of soil fungus was carried out in the Pest and Disease Laboratory of the
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Borneo Tarakan. The fungus was characterized macroscopically and
microscopically, and the pathogenicity test, phosphate dissolution activity test, proteolytic activity test and chitin
hydrolysis test were carried out. The results of the study obtained 34 fungus colonies. Based on the phenotypic
characteristics there were 9 fungi isolates with different characteristics, 4 isolates from 9 isolates were non-pathogenic.
In non-pathogenic fungi isolates, 2 genera were obtained, namely genus Phialophora sp. and Paecilomyces sp. There
are non-pathogenic fungus isolates that have proteolytic activity and chitin hydrolysis so that it has the potential as a
biological fertilizer and biological agent
Keywords: Soil fungis, rhizosphere, characterization
Cendawan tanah merupakan salah satu mikrobia tanah yang dapat bersifat menguntungkan atau merugikan bagi
tanaman, sehingga berperan penting dalam bidang pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelimpahan
dan karakterisasi cendawan tanah di daerah rizosfer sawi. Isolasi dan identifikasi cendawan tanah dilakukan di
Laboratorum Hama dan Penyakit Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Borneo Tarakan. Cendawan tanah dikarakterisasi
secara makroskopis dan mikroskopis, dan dilakukan uji patogenesitas, uji aktivitas melarutkan fosfat, uji aktivitas
proteolitik dan uji hidrolisis kitin. Hasil penelitian diperoleh 34 koloni cendawan. Berdasarkan karakteristik fenotip
terdapat 9 isolat cendawan dengan karakteristik yang berbeda, 4 isolat dari 9 isolat bersifat non patogen. Pada isolat
cendawan yang non patogenik, diperoleh 2 genus yaitu genus Phialophora sp. dan Paecilomyces sp. Isolat cendawan
non patogenik yang diperoleh ada yang memiliki aktivitas proteolitik dan hidrolisis kitin sehingga berpotensi sebagai
pupuk hayati dan agens hayati.
Kata kunci: Cendawan tanah, rizosfer, karakterisasi
Soil fungis are one of the soil microbes that can be beneficial or detrimental to plants, so they play an important role
in agriculture. This study aims to determine the abundance and characterization of soil fungi in the rhizosphere of
mustard greens. Isolation and identification of soil fungus was carried out in the Pest and Disease Laboratory of the
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Borneo Tarakan. The fungus was characterized macroscopically and
microscopically, and the pathogenicity test, phosphate dissolution activity test, proteolytic activity test and chitin
hydrolysis test were carried out. The results of the study obtained 34 fungus colonies. Based on the phenotypic
characteristics there were 9 fungi isolates with different characteristics, 4 isolates from 9 isolates were non-pathogenic.
In non-pathogenic fungi isolates, 2 genera were obtained, namely genus Phialophora sp. and Paecilomyces sp. There
are non-pathogenic fungus isolates that have proteolytic activity and chitin hydrolysis so that it has the potential as a
biological fertilizer and biological agent
Keywords: Soil fungis, rhizosphere, characterization
Cendawan tanah merupakan salah satu mikrobia tanah yang dapat bersifat menguntungkan atau merugikan bagi
tanaman, sehingga berperan penting dalam bidang pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelimpahan
dan karakterisasi cendawan tanah di daerah rizosfer sawi. Isolasi dan identifikasi cendawan tanah dilakukan di
Laboratorum Hama dan Penyakit Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Borneo Tarakan. Cendawan tanah dikarakterisasi
secara makroskopis dan mikroskopis, dan dilakukan uji patogenesitas, uji aktivitas melarutkan fosfat, uji aktivitas
proteolitik dan uji hidrolisis kitin. Hasil penelitian diperoleh 34 koloni cendawan. Berdasarkan karakteristik fenotip
terdapat 9 isolat cendawan dengan karakteristik yang berbeda, 4 isolat dari 9 isolat bersifat non patogen. Pada isolat
cendawan yang non patogenik, diperoleh 2 genus yaitu genus Phialophora sp. dan Paecilomyces sp. Isolat cendawan
non patogenik yang diperoleh ada yang memiliki aktivitas proteolitik dan hidrolisis kitin sehingga berpotensi sebagai
pupuk hayati dan agens hayati.
Kata kunci: Cendawan tanah, rizosfer, karakterisasi
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.35334/jpen.v2i3.1564
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