Jurnal Borneo Informatika dan Teknik Komputer (JBIT) (P-ISSN: 2808-8190 dan E-ISSN: 2808-6600) is a forum for academics and practitioners to publish scientific papers, research results, literature, and analytical studies that focus on the fields of computer science and computer engineering. JBIT is published regularly twice a year in April and October by the Computer Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Borneo Tarakan with 5 articles in each issue. The focus and scope of this journal is research and studies on the latest issues related to the field of computer science and computer engineering for the development of border areas and tropical marine resources.
JBIT is indexed by:
Vol 4, No 1 (2024): Edisi April-September
Table of Contents
Ulan Juniarti, Ria Suci Nurhalizah, Ariefah Khairina Islahati, Chairunnisa Al-Majra R.A., Retno Agus Setiawan
Ria Suci Nurhalizah, Raden Bagus Bambang Sumantri
Khairul Anwar Hafizd, Yunita Prastyaningsih, Annisa Nurbayti
Alim Hardiansyah
Sugianti Sugianti, Dyah Mustikasari, Tri Sakti Budiono