Dewi Retnaningati


Ethnobotany is the study of the interaction between local people and their natural environment, especially regarding the use of plants in everyday life which emphasizes various plants used as clothing, food, shelter and even traditional medicine. Food is an essential need for humans to survive. The people of East Tarakan use the plants around them as food ingredients with a variety of different processing methods. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out ethnobotanical studies to find out the types and parts of plants used as food, as well as the benefits and ways of using these plants as food by the people of East Tarakan, North Kalimantan. The method used in this research is field surveys and interviews. Benefit value analysis was carried out for each food plant species. The research results showed that there were 16 types of food plants utilized by the people of East Tarakan, namely from the Moraceae family (4 species), Phyllanthaceae (1 species), Poaceae (1 species), Moringaceae (1 species), Caricaceae (1 species), Aracea (1 species), Euphorbiaceae (1 species), Athyriaceae (1 species), Solanaceae (1 species), Limnocharitaceae (1 species), Malvaceae (1 species), Meliaceae (1 species), and Arecaceae (1 species). The most widely used part of the plant is the fruit.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35334/biopedagogia.v5i1.3568


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