Jurnal Universitas Borneo Tarakan

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Jurnal Biopedadogia, The University of Borneo Tarakan Biology Education Study Program publishes the scholarly journal Journal of Biology Education. The goal of Biopedagogia is to advance national biology education through the publication of ideas, studies, and high-quality research findings linked to biology learning. Due to the constraints and challenges biology education students faced in publishing their theses, results from PKM, PPL, and other written works, the Biopedagogia journal was initially intended to make it simpler for students to publish their work. Additionally, students can fulfill their duties to publish the findings of their scientific work through the Biopedagogia journal's media. Biopedagogia published twice a year in November and March.

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Borneo Community Health Service Journal

Borneo Community Health Service (NEOTYCE) Journal adalah jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Borneo Tarakan yang berfokus pada hasil karya pengabdian masyarakat di bidang kesehatan. Jurnal diterbitkan dua kali setahun di bulan Februari dan Agustus. Artikel yang diterima akan diterbitkan secara online dan dapat diakses secara gratis.

Topik dari jurnal adalah hasil pengabdian masyarakat di bidang kesehatan yang meliputi : Keperawatan, kebidanan, kedokteran, kesehatan masyarakat, psikologi, gizi dan bidang kesehatan yang lain. ISSN Online jurnal Neotyce 2807-6621 (Online Elektronik)

Abstracted/Indexed in:

Google Scholar, SINTA, GARUDA dan Dimensions

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Borneo Engineering : Jurnal Teknik Sipil

Borneo Engineering: Jurnal Teknik Sipil (ISSN Online 2581-1134) and (ISSN Print 2685-7553is a peer-reviewed open-access journal published three times a year (April, August, and December). The article can be a product of researches, scientific thoughts, or case study with scope Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Water Resources, Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Management. The author may write an article by the template and submit the article online by using the OJS system. Any matters relating to the use of the software, citation and copyright permissions made by the author of the article, and the legal consequences it causes, are the sole responsibility of the author of the article.

Borneo Engineering: Jurnal Teknik Sipil, accredited by Sinta 4 Based on the Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology No. 204/E/KPT/2022, valid from: Volume 5 Number 3 Year 2021 until Volume 10 Number 2 Year 2026.

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Borneo Journal of Biology Education (BJBE)

Borneo Journal Of Biology Education (BJBE), Journal of Biology Education is a scientific journal of the Department of Biology Education, Borneo University of Tarakan. The scope of this journal is related to studies in biological science and teaching and learning biology, as well as their future implication. BJBE publishes articles related to ideas and studies in biology and biology education concerning national education purposes. This journal publishes articles biannually, which is in April and October.

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Borneo Journal of English Language Education

Borneo Journal of English Language Education, or BJELE for short, is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to promoting studies of English language/linguistics, English literature, and English language teaching. BJELE is published twice a year, namely in August and December. BJELE publishes original, unpublished research papers that demonstrate sound research methods and have clear pedagogical implications in English language/linguistics and language teaching fields. It is managed by the Department of English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Borneo Tarakan, Indonesia.

ISSN 2685-810X

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Borneo Law Review

Jurnal Borneo Law Review is the Journal of Legal Studies that focuses on law science. The scopes of this journal are: Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, Islamic Law, Environmental Law, Human Rights and International Law. All of focus and scope are in accordance with the principle of Borneo Law Review

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