Promoting Species Knowledge: Mammal Diversity at Ragunan Zoo - A YouTube Vlog Educational Video
The lack of knowledge among students regarding animal species, particularly mammals, is a contributing factor to the loss of biodiversity. Therefore, it is essential to educate students about mammalia species through educational video. The aim of this research is to identify mammals in Ragunan Zoo for use as educational video content. The research methodology involved field exploration, followed by the creation of educational videos in the form of vlogs. Fifteen species were used as the subject of the learning videos about mammals. The species are classified into five orders: Artiodactyla (4 species), Carnivora (2 species), Primates (7 species), Proboscidea (1 species), and Rodentia (1 species). The learning videos are divided into two sections: non-primate group mammals and primate group mammals The firt video is 8 minutes and 20 seconds long and the second video is 9 minutes and 53 seconds long. These video can be use in the first step to introduce species diversity, especially mammals.
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Dewi Retnaningati, S.Pd., M.Sc.
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